Tuesday, March 2, 2010

bobby hundreds

okay, i LOVE bobby hundreds. his picture taking skills, what he talks about. his steeeelo. omfg, i need someone like that in my lifeee. lol here are some pictures from his previous blogs. he's my daily entertainment.
chanel, hong kong. so fresh.
i see you LA, waiting for me. one day.
bobby says in his blog that this fresh cement was scribed by tupac and the outlawz. dj lethal owned pac's old house and he took the piece of the ground w him and has that joint as probly the FRESHEST coffee table, EVER. lol "when you see a woman wearing McQueen, there's a certain hardness to the clothes that make her look powerful. it kind of fends people off. you have to have a lot of balls to talk to a woman wearing my clothes." -- lee alexander mcqueen. 1969-2010 [bobby requoted]

for the moment.

why settle? okay so it's "official" with me and heart throb, but shit isn't really different. we were basically together when we were talkin for however long it was. but like, i don't understand shit. i don't get why boys have to make new friends with bitchs when they have a gf cause i think if it was vise versa, homeboy would FLIP SHIT. like, i might sound like an insecure ass bitch right now. (which im not nearly as bad i was in my past) BUT, i dont sit here and try to get to know other guys. honestly, i don't even get attention like that. i don' want attention from them. but i guess since clubs want more girls then boys there, you gota get girls into going more? idk. i asked my girl like, how should i react, & she said don't sweat it cause theyre just "for the moment" bitches. i understand THAT, but why do they even be in the picture? i'm not about to be some main entree with side dishes too. i'm not doing that. i'm bout to be THE ONLY one in the picture. i don't get how girls can just settle. i been through all of that before and i'm not fixin to go through it again. like, i'm on some other shit in this relationship now. i just, idk. maybe i'm over analyzing shit, but i'm a stronggg believer that ANYTHING can happen and especially when alcohol is involved. and when something has happend with me in the same enviroment, anything can go down when you're cities away. idk. i'm not about to be dicked though. you can hear me out on that.

ANYWAYS, on a good note. tommy blinked three times last night and grabbed kristelle's hand on command. all we can do is pray for him. i wana go visit them, but i have class tonight. fuck. anyways, i'm done. i just needed to vent. not sure how i'm gona handle it, we'll see though.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear God,

please watch Tommy as he's in this coma state, let him wake up from this. PLEASE. we all need him. Stella needs him, even the puppies & baker. everyone. -Amen.

okay, so this weekend was pretty bomb. minus the fact that saturday morning i called my mom & she told me my cousin-in-law was in a car wreck. that's Tommy. he's a fed for PG and he gota PCP drug call, and on the way he drove over black ice and hit a telephone. my mom didn't know it was as serious as it is. she thought it was a broken nose and maybe fractured neck or somethin. but no, come to find out he's in the hospital and had a concussion, that's now considered as a coma state. 3 days he hasn't moved or anything. just this morning he twitched in his eye. it's driving us all crazy. tommy is awesome, and a REALLY big guy. so to think that when the officer following him came up to the car and found tommy all the way in the PASSENGER seat is just wild. thank God right after the crash tommy was able to call on the walky and tell em "officer in distress"-- it's amazing how shit happens so fast. all we can do is pray. poor stella (my cousin, his wife). they just got married in october 2009. & now this happens. it's redic. he needs to get his big butt outta this bed and come back to all of us. to lighten up the mood, the officers told stella to paint his toes purple. lol she did! & if you know tommy's sense of humor, it's like, if he woke up, he would laugh at the fact his toes are purple. esp him being a die hard skins fan, and marrying a VIKINGS fan! lol idk, all i been doing is thinking about him. stella sent out a pic of them two for the ones who were outa town. i just really hope he wakes up. he is too strong of a man. WE LOVE YOU STELLA & TOMMY!

so.. uhm, the weekend with heart throb was good. that's all i can say. the road trip getting him was interesting lol anyways, i'll write in a little bit when i have my mind more.. under control? ciao.

Friday, February 26, 2010

dear Friday,

you're here!

i'm soo happy to see you. thanks to you, i can see Heart Throb and have a mini -girls only- road trip to go scoop him. i'm syced. my weekend starts at 2 pm. i already bought two 24oz Heinekens for my boo and i'm dressed to impress. i can't wait :) this weekend i will fade out North and stay there until sunday. thank you for sycing my life.

Me. xoxo
p.s - i will fade out west to Waikiki, HI very soon to see my bestest, April, once i get my gualas up. holla. ha.

okay okay i was on youtube and shit, i REALLY wana see "Rememember Me". i fucking LOVE robert pattinson. so fucking cute, and he's like, the artsy, poetic type of guy that every woman needs to cater to them and tell them how special they are *sigh. i'm in love.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

cupcakin' long overdue.

soo FRIDAY is right around the cornerrr. i can't wait to spend some quality time with my babies (vi&gloria) then extra cupcake time with heart throb, alllll weekend. (: anyway, i can't wait til i have everything paid off damn it. i'm constantly stressed about money, it blows me. how do i work fulltime but still become broke? i don't be buying shit for myself! i pay for gas, bills and food sometimes. GUH, blows my liiiifee. anywayssss, i'm ready for the weekend. actually, i'm ready to take this fucking final and then boogie right after. lol
my legs are sore as FUCK!!! i been doing squats. i'm really attempting to get a bigger butt and thighs. i loveee unporportioned bodies (little on top, big on the bottom) it's so exotic to me. lol soo, we'll see how this goes. soo, i gota letter from fairfax courthouse talking bout my fine and shit :( gaddd, $212 is due now. fucking court fees and shit. BLOWER. Turr is gona help me with it so i'm not completely empty pocketed by the time i pay it.
ooohh super syced. i got my tanning minutes back! ahah, it's greattt. i'm already dark as fuck. i'm glad i got that good skin for a white girl. cause if not, i'd probly be depressed and a mean ass bitch my whole life! lol tanning really makes me feel better about myself. when i'm pale, i feel fat, when i feel fat, i feel ugg as shit booy. ugh, random as shit i'm being but i'm tryin to go to forever21 on my break and look at some shiiiit. spend the rest of this gift card. and victoria secret. MHM. i'll write later.

p.s it's crazy how when i first start typing, i feel so ready to blog, but once i start.. i don't feel like finishing. i'm just not cut out for this blogging shit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


soo, only 2 more days til me @vmf_WILD and (the new & improved) #MCTHIRSTY head dwn south to scoop heart throb. i'm superrr excited. i'll be MIA all weekend. i got plansss. (: anyways, UGH thanks to like the 305013 weeks we had off school, we had a bigass cram session last week damn it. i WAS suppose to have a test tonight, and exam tomorrow night. but Ms. Teri syced my life and said "we'll just have an exam thursday.. unless yall wana test wednesday?" lol likee nnaaa. we're good! lol soo anyways, i have a 14 pg packet due tonight. if there is ANYTHING that is incomplete she said it's an automatic zero. i have like 10 more questions to do. ugh, i can't wait til the weekend. i can't write anything on here about it due to the fact heart throb knows about it now lol so i can't give away any suprises :) ahaha i needa go finish my shit before i get extra lazy and forget about it. i'll write lateerr.

p.s i decided i really wana start a charm necklace. well just have a gold chain to throw a few random charms on it. mhm.

p.p.s next paycheck or maybe this one on friday, i WILL invest in a LongChamp "Le Pilage" large handbag. i need it in my life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

concrete jungle.

so i had court this morning. it went gooood. saw laura looking badd as usual. she was always my idol growing up. she's known me since fucking diaper days. she's katie's older sister. i can't believe philip woulda turned 25 two days ago. it's crazy, time has really gone by fast since phil passed away. (*RIP) so anyways, she came up to me like "what the fuck are you here for." i said speeding. she was like "well, good luck cause the judge you have is a dick." lol #GUH, but it went fine. i got there super early and when i got out my car i seen two guys getting out theirs. they asked me where the traffic div. court was at and i said "uh, im goin there too, idk" lol so we ended up talking, he introduced himself and what not. he said he was drivin from NY to ATL and got pulled over 4 times in VA. JUST in VA. lol i busted out laughing. lol we talked about everything. he was cool as shit. hardcore Brooklyn accent, i loved it. lol his name was Val. so anywaysss, i was shaking like a lil poose in the room lol i never been to court before so i was like, sketch. lol i saw the officer that pulled me over. he was nice. the judge wasn't that big of a schmuck either. i got to work about 11.30-- why'd it take me an hr to get to tysons frm fairfax? no clue. so yeh, i'm here sitting behind this desk for the next 5 hours chillin, tweetin, whateva lol eating chocolate turtle chex mix for breakfast and lunch. #yum lol i'll write later when i feel like venting.

ps @fahQ_ is coming up to the bridge this weekend. we bout to get ffaaccckkeedd up. ayy!