this fucking snow, man. supposably we're spose to get another 10-20 starting at noon? wtf. i think i'm like, sore from laying down and sleeping. there's nothing you can really do. not around my way atleast, unless you have a suv or somethin. our roads are turrrrrible. & i've been craving fucking pancakes for two weeks now. i haven't been to school since thursday and i have that phatass packet (i mentioned earlier) due tomorrow. am i even close to being done? #hellno. ugh, i'm so blehh lately. & i tend to take it out on people. (*sorry) so, heart throb got the letter tuesday & didn't wana tell me til friday that he got it? he said he wanted to suprise me and send something back, but he still has yet to do so. MHM anyways. i drove into work with mama T today. so i'm definitely not making it to school. it shouldn't even be open. our school doesn't close for shit! it was open yesterday! for what? half of the train stations were closed.. & the majority of my school rides the damn train. it's gona be impossible for me to find parking. so my admin. just told me "don't even waste your time." --thanks mike! lol now i needa figure out wtf i'm gona do about this damn packet. it's stressing me. i brought it into work with me so we'll see how far i get on it. CPT-4 coding is no joke. i just need it to be over with. & then i have driving improvement on saturday morning 8-4pm. YES! fuck. that's an extra $60 since it's voluntary. & on top of that, my speeding ticket is $177. my brother and mom say i should go to court and there's a chance ?(since it's my first spding tckt.) i can get it dropped. not likely, not without an attorney with me. that's what claudia said atleast. so i'll end up spending evern more if you wana count the court fees, fuck man. UGH, anyways. i think i'm going to pick up HT friday after i get off. my mom's going to NC so i don't really needa worry about telling anyone where i'm going. i'll tell my dad but he's chill, he won't question me and shit. lol i'm super pressed to see the movie Valentine's Day. lol it looks soo good, everyone is in it!& i am suchhh a big fan of bradley cooper. if only mark wahlberg was in it, it would be soo complete! lol. anyways, i'm trying to see it right when it comes out. idc if i gota go alone! so yehh, i'm sitting here at work. it's slow as fuck. i really need $ though. ugh, i hate being stressed. i'm only 21. i shouldn't be stressed like this !!! i'm starving too. fuck.
oh yeah, yesterday i diddd get out the house to the salon. lol got my wig done. lol i got curlsss backk :) oh, how i've missed them soo. lolyou like ? too bad, i got a fucking perm, & have NO hair supplies at my house. & no fucking make up, so i look like a wompass frizzy headed stepchild til i get some :)