soo, only 2 more days til me
@vmf_WILD and (the new & improved)
#MCTHIRSTY head dwn south to scoop
heart throb. i'm superrr excited. i'll be MIA all weekend. i got plansss. (: anyways, UGH thanks to like the 305013 weeks we had off school, we had a bigass cram session last week damn it. i WAS suppose to have a test tonight, and exam tomorrow night. but
Ms. Teri syced my life and said "we'll just have an exam thursday.. unless yall wana test wednesday?" lol likee nnaaa. we're good! lol soo anyways, i have a 14 pg packet due tonight. if there is ANYTHING that is incomplete she said it's an automatic zero. i have like 10 more questions to do. ugh, i can't wait til the weekend. i can't write anything on here about it due to the fact heart throb knows about it now lol
so i can't give away any suprises :) ahaha i needa go finish my shit before i get extra lazy and forget about it. i'll write lateerr.
p.s i decided i really wana start a charm necklace. well just have a gold chain to throw a few random charms on it. mhm.
p.p.s next paycheck or maybe this one on friday, i WILL invest in a
LongChamp "Le Pilage" large handbag. i need it in my life.