why settle? okay so it's "official" with me and heart throb, but shit isn't really different. we were basically together when we were talkin for however long it was. but like, i don't understand shit. i don't get why boys have to make new friends with bitchs when they have a gf cause i think if it was vise versa, homeboy would
FLIP SHIT. like, i might sound like an insecure ass bitch right now. (which im not nearly as bad i was in my past) BUT, i dont sit here and try to get to know other guys. honestly, i don't even get attention like that. i don' want attention from them. but i guess since clubs want more girls then boys there, you gota get girls into going more? idk. i asked my girl like, how should i react, & she said don't sweat it cause theyre just "
for the moment" bitches. i understand
THAT, but why do they even be in the picture? i'm not about to be some main entree with side dishes too. i'm not doing that. i'm bout to be
THE ONLY one in the picture. i don't get how girls can just
settle. i been through all of that before and i'm not fixin to go through it again. like, i'm on some other shit in this relationship now. i just, idk. maybe i'm
over analyzing shit, but i'm a stronggg believer that ANYTHING can happen and especially when alcohol is involved. and when something has happend with me in the same enviroment, anything can go down when you're cities away. idk. i'm not about to be dicked though. you can hear me out on that.
ANYWAYS, on a good note. tommy blinked three times last night and grabbed kristelle's hand on command. all we can do is pray for him. i wana go visit them, but i have class tonight. fuck. anyways, i'm done. i just needed to vent. not sure how i'm gona handle it, we'll see though.